Welcome to Orchards La Punta

We present you a space in which you can live with nature and learn from its dynamics. Today more than ever we appreciate the self-consumption of vegetables: healthy, ecological, our land…

You will have plenty of space for your crops in a very fertile land and free unlimited water.

The patience required by the rhythms of the field, the illusion of seeing the fruits grow or the reward for a job well done are some of the values that you will definitely reap in Huertos La Punta.

You and your family will have a new space in which to enjoy and learn together.

I am clear that I do not want to spend my retirement on the couch, I prefer to roll up my time and show that I am necessary and that I can continue to contribute and serve my family.

Fernando, the first gardenman of The Punta Orchards

If you want, get to know us better, welcome!